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Divyadristi Muhurhta 1.5 (English)

[   Muhurtha Events ]       [   List of Yogas ]             [   List of Doshas ]
[   Sample Report1  ]       [   Sample Report2 ]       [   Sample Report3 ]

  • Muhurtha is considered finding appropriate Day, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna and Masa (called Panchanga Suddhi). However, nobody want to celebrate any auspicious occasion in Rahu Kala. This show the importance of avoiding Doshas and including as many benefic Yogas as possible. We present state-of-the-art Muhurtha Software based on Narada Samhita, Muhurtha Chintamani, Muhurtha Prakash and Muhurtha Martand. This takes into account large number of Yogas, Lagna Suddhi, Panchang Suddhi, Tara Bala, Chandra Bala etc. It also takes into account large number of doshas (like Rahu Kala, Gulika Kala, Yama Ganta Kala, Eclipse, Sankranti, Visha Ghati, Mrityu Yoga etc), Additional Marriage Related Dosha (like Latta Dosha, Paata Dosha, Yuti Dosha, Vedha Dosha etc), Additional doshas for Journey Muhurtha and doshas related to House related Muhurtha. In this way, the software enables you to find Muhurtha where doshas are minimised and Benefic Yogas are maximised.

  • Events � Large number of events covered. The broad categories of events covered are General Muhurtha, Pre-Marriage, Marriage, Marriage Related, Occupational, Journey, Finance, Agricultural, Education, Farming, Manufacturing, Medical, House, Miscellaneous Muhurthas.

  • Abhitjit Muhurtha � Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for any place and date. This helps in finding quick Muhurtha for any auspicious occassion.

  • Chowghadia Muhurtha � Computation of Chowghadia Muhurtha for any place and date. It computes Chowghadia muhurtha for day and night. This is useful for finding quick Muhurtha for Journey.

  • Dosha and Positive Yoga � Large number of Doshas given by Narada Samhita, Muhurtha Chintamani, Muhurtha Prakash and Muhurtha Martand are covered. Each Yoga (whether good or bad) is given a suitable weight. Based on the weight given for each positive and negative yoga, the value of Muhurtha for a particular date, time and event is computed.

  • Chandra Suddhi and Tara Bala � If the date and time of birth of the person is given, chandra suddhi and tara bala are computed and given proper weight. The final value of muhurtha is based not only on the positive and negative yoga at the time of the moment of muhurtha but includes the chandra suddhi and tara bala values.

  • Date Interval � In each Muhurtha screen, there is a provision for entering �From Date �, �To Date� and Time Interval in hours and minutes. The muhurtha is computed for this range of dates as per given interval. For each date and time as per interval, the muhurtha value is computed and then displayed on the screen.

  • Easy Navigation � For each date and time (based on the date range and time interval), the muhurtha value is computed and shown as per muhurtha value in descending order. The highest value muhurtha is shown on the top and then next value. However, there is a provision to sort this based on date, number of positive items, number of negative items etc just by one click if required.

  • Comprehensive Disply � For each Muhurtha, there are three different text boxes are displayed containing: Panchanga, Positive and Negative Yogas and Horoscope (with a provision to see Navamsa by clicking a button) at the moment. Panchaga contains Date, Tithi with Paksha, Nakshatra, Yoga, Day (as per English Date and Vedic Astrology), Chandra Masa, Saka Year, Place, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Rahu Kala, Gulika Kala, Yama Ganta Kala, Lagna, Longitude of All Plaents with Lahiri Ayanamsa.

  • Panchagam giving Day, Tithi, Nakshatra and Yoga for any date between 01.01.100 and 31.12.3100.

  • Calendar for any date between 01.01.100 and 31.12.3100.

  • Sun Rise Sun Set for any date and place.

  • A powerful Calculator.

  • Planetary Position correct to second.

  • City Master Maintenance � Allow to add new cities to the master. The information to be given is City Name, State/Country, Latitude and Longitude. Comes with 3700 cities data.

  • Extended City Master � Comes with more than 2,40,000 cities of the world. Covers most of the places in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Switzerland etc. Can be used for exporting data to Main Master.

  • Diary: To maintain your appointments..

Price: Rs 3500/- + 18% GST

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